
Scripture Memory Resources

Six Scripture Memory Resources

Since I have been interested in memorizing Scripture long before I even started, I’ve been researching Scripture memory resources for a while. Many of these I’ve used and found to be so helpful, others are ones that I’ve been intrigued by and plan to use in the future. Below you’ll find six resources for Scripture memory plans, methods, and other valuable tools to help you memorize Scripture.

1. VerseLocker

The first resource I want to recommend is VerseLocker.

After a few months of memorizing Scripture, I became curious about Bible memory apps. After looking at what was available, I downloaded the three most popular ones onto my phone. VerseLocker was easily the most user-friendly, and it is the only one that is still on my phone. It’s available in the App Store, Google Play, the Amazon Appstore, as well as on a PC. All you have to do is create an account and you can use it across devices.

Features of VerseLocker

VerseLocker organizes by collections, and you can use one of the many they have available, or create your own. I’ve done both, but really like that their collections come divided into lessons and often include devotional content and study questions.

Practice Mode

In practice mode there are four different options to test yourself: blur, words, initials, and type.

On the blur tab you can read the verse, out loud or silently, and hit the blur button to hide more and more words of the verse until you can’t see any of them and are reciting the passage from memory.

VerseLocker blur page example for Genesis 1:1

The words tab shows you five words to pick from at a time until you choose each word of the verse in the correct order. Each time you choose one word, the words get shuffled again, forcing you to slow down and really think about the verse.

VerseLocker words page example for Genesis 1:1

Using the initials tab you can recite the verse looking only at the first letter of each word in the verse. AndI hope you consider using some of these resources to memorize Scripture. if you can’t remember a word, just click on the letter and it will tell you that word.

VerseLocker initials page example for Genesis 1:1

Finally, on the type tab you can write the verse out to see if you can remember it correctly. Here you have also have the option of choosing initial mode, where you can test yourself by typing only the first letter of each verse; this can be helpful if you’re reviewing a lot of verses in one setting.

VerseLocker type page example for Genesis 1:1

Another great feature of VerseLocker is that is has a reminder function which allows you to choose how often you want to review each verse. 

On VerseLocker you can connect your account with friends and get weekly emails of each other’s progress to help hold you accountable, and the blog tab is filled with encouragement, tips, and information about updates to the app.

VerseLocker has been invaluable on my Scripture memory journey.

2. An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture

This next resource is actually what got me started on Scripture memorization. It’s a method developed by Dr. Andrew Davis utilized in a plan for memorizing 2 Peter (yes, the entire book).

Dr. Andrew Davis’ Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture uses repetition and recitation to memorize long passages of Scripture. A calendar plan can be found online here.

The Method

The method involves reading the first verse (e.g., 2 Peter 1:1) out loud ten times. Then you try to recite the passage ten more times without looking.

The next day, you recite the first verse (2 Peter 1:1) ten times again without looking. Then you repeat the process for the new verse (2 Peter 1:2): read it ten times, recite it ten times.

On the third and following days, you continue to begin with the verse from the previous day (2 Peter 1:2), reciting it ten times. Then you put it in context and recite as much of the passage as you’ve learned so far once (2 Peter 1:1-2), before moving onto the new verse (2 Peter 1:3) reading it ten times and reciting it ten times.

This method works well but it does get longer as you go, so keep that in mind. Additionally, I found that it took me a little longer to really solidify the last few verses. For example, the 2 Peter plan is 62 days long. By the end of the plan I’d recited 2 Peter 1:1 every day for 62 days, but the last verse, 2 Peter 3:18 I had only recited for two days. This isn’t a problem, but I just wanted to keep reviewing the last several verses to make sure they were really memorized.

I was impressed with how well the method worked for me and would recommend it to anyone looking to kick-start long term Scripture memory.

3. 6 x 6 Scripture Memory Plan

 The 6 x 6 Scripture memory plan is one I haven’t actually used myself much, but I love the visual of the charts and how it takes reviewing verses into account.

This method uses a chart where you can write in whatever verses you want to memorize. In the plan you memorize one verse a week, practicing six days a week. In the second week you add in a new verse on a new line and practice both it and the first verse. You repeat this process every week until you’ve practiced your first verse for six weeks. Then that verse goes into the month chart and you practice it once a week for six months.

6 x 6 Example Charts

In the below example, Genesis 1:1 has been practiced for three weeks, John 3:16 for two weeks, and Romans 8:28 for one week. The red marks indicate that Genesis 1:1, John 3:16, and Romans 8:28 will all be reviewed while learning a new verse, Micah 6:8.

Example 6 x 6 Scripture Memory Chart


After practicing a verse six days a week for six weeks, it goes in the month chart. Here’s another example chart showing that Genesis 1:1 has been reviewed weekly for three months, John 3:16 has been reviewed for two months, and Romans 8:28 has been reviewed for one month. The next verses to be weekly reviewed are Genesis 1:1, John 3:16, Romans 8:28, and Micah 6:8 for the first time.


Example of 6 x 6 Scripture Memory monthly chart


After practicing a verse every day for six weeks and then every week for six months you’re bound to know it pretty well. You can find a link to the charts and their instructions at this website. Or you can just check out the pdf here.

4. Fighter Verses

This next resource is a collection of verses to memorize that comes from the same website where I found the 6 x 6 Scripture memory plan. The plan spans five years, learning one new verse/passage a week. Because of this, you could use the 6 x 6 chart in conjunction with the Fighter Verse collection.

 The verses chosen are intended to focus on the character of God, battling fleshly desires, and the hope of the gospel. For each week you can see the reference of that week’s verse, it’s category, and a number indicating its position in the Bible relative to the other verses. You can use the tabs at the top of the chart to re-order the references alphabetically, categorically, or in Bible order.

5. Memorizing God’s Word with Iranian Christians

If, like me, you’re inspired by the persecuted church memorizing Scripture, this next resource may be for you. It is a collection of 125 verses put out by the Voice of the Martyrs that Iranian Christians in house churches were memorizing. I believe that this list was compiled in 2020, but it’s still a great option if you’re looking for verses to memorize; memorizing this collection can also serve as a reminder to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer for their faith.

6. Melodically Memorizing

For many people music propels memorization and song lyrics can stick with us for years. I’ve heard songs that I hadn’t heard in years and been surprised that I still knew so many of the words. Maybe this has happened to you too. Chances are you didn’t sit down and intentionally memorize those lyrics, but they stay in your mind. A melody and a few repetitions can greatly increase the ease of memorization.

Abigail Houston is the creator of Melodically Memorizing and puts Scripture to melodies to make it easier to memorize them. In her introductory video she explains that the music isn’t supposed to be like what you might hear on the radio—Bible verses don’t have the meter of modern music. Instead, it’s just meant to make it easier to memorize verses and passages.

You can find her songs on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, and Facebook.



Are you going to try out any of these Scripture memory resources? Let me know in the comments.

Also, if you missed it be sure to check out last week’s post on 5 Tips to Memorize Scripture



  • Karen Hibbs

    Could you redirect me to the correct website and pdf for the 6 x 6 scripture memory charts as the link doesn’t seem to work. It says “page not found”
    Thank you

    • rootedfaithministries

      Apologies for my delay in response.

      Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It appears that the website I linked has gone through a redesign and unfortunately I cannot find the chart on the new website. It looks like I will have to update the blog post.

      I will email the pdf I have.

  • Dakota Lynch

    I am the developer of VerseLocker. I’m so thankful it has helped you in your Scripture memory journey. Keep up the good work!

  • Geanice

    Could you redirect me to the correct website and pdf for the 6 x 6 scripture memory charts as the link doesn’t seem to work. It says “page not found”
    Thank you

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